The need for open space is Los Angeles is critical; only 4% of the city is devoted to public green space. Taylor Yard will offer a major new open space with multiple benefits.


  • Biodiversity

    • Converting urban land into park space is one of the single most effective ways to increase urban species richness and species diversity across species.

  • Pollinating Species

    • Landscapes that facilitate a wide range of insect pollinators play a crucial role in conserving the local plant and insect diversity, thereby promoting the development of strong and adaptable ecosystems.

  • Carbon Sequestration

    • Urban parks within densely populated cities have a very high potential for carbon sequestration, hence functioning as a carbon sink to capture atmospheric CO2 and other green house gas emissions.

    • As damage from climate change escalates in the form of extreme weather, parks and green spaces have an outsized role to play in making cities safe and more livable: cooler in summer and capturing stormwater in winter to reduce flooding and improve water quality.

  • Reduced Urban Heat

    • The cooling impacts of the parks are reflected through not only the lower temperatures in the parks but also the lower temperatures in the nearby built environment.  Heat relief is felt of up to 6 degrees cooler within 1/2 mile of a park.


  • Community Health

    • Parks are shown to increase the overall health and happiness of a community through various recreational activities.

  • Physical Health

    • Proximity to parks are associated with lower levels of obesity, blood pressure, diabetes, stress and depression. And better cardiovascular and respiratory health, 300% increased fitness and increased life expectancy.

  • Mental Health

    • Parks have positive impacts on mental & physical health by reducing stress and anxiety levels by up to 40%. Workers exposed to daily greenery have more productivity, creativity and sense of well-being.

  • Health Equity

    • Communities of color have nearly 43% less green space than predominantly white neighborhoods.

    • Los Angeles’ smog is reduced by green spaces.


  • Sustainable Tourism

    • Parks can be powerful drivers of local tourism, which in turn boosts the economy.

  • Increased Property Values

    • Proximity to parks increase property values significantly.

  • Expanded Job Creation

    • The creation and maintenance of parks provide jobs, contributing to local economic health.

  • Corporate Growth

    • Businesses benefit from investing in parks through CSR initiatives, enhanced public image & sales, and attracting top talent.

  • Governmental Savings

    • For every $1 invested in green space, communities save up to $333 in medical expenses and costs of policing and incarceration. Lower crime rates in neighborhoods with parks.